PortaTrack Connect

This page is currently under development.

GitHub Repository for the UI

This is a proposal of a new race and workout timing system integrated with Garmin watches. The product, called PortaTrack Connect, is a compact, briefcase-sized race timing system that can be set up on a track or cross-country course. Instead of utilizing chips or bibs to identify runners, each runner will utilize their Garmin Forerunner line watches with a specialized app developed to act as a runner ID as well as receive running data.

Runners who use Garmin brand watches often utilize the activity recording feature to obtain running data such as distance, time, heart rate, cadence, and more. This is done for the purpose of utilizing the data to improve runner form, pacing strategies, and even analyze cardiovascular health. A common practice in runners across the world is to conduct time trials or personal races to benchmark a runner’s training.

PortaTrack Connect is a compact race timing system with an integrated screen for control, collapsible race clock, and four collapsible Bluetooth receivers. The entire system’s hardware will be designed to compactly fit into a briefcase-sized container, with a handle and wheels for easy transportation. When the system is set up, the container will sit on the ground, on the side of the course, with the four Bluetooth receivers dispersed across the finish line, two receivers on each side of the finish line, with the clock displayed close to the finish line as well.

At the beginning of the race, the race official will boot up the system, and set up the receivers and timer display. The mat will be laid across the finish line. After the race official has set up and booted the system via control on an integrated touchscreen, each runner competing or in the workout will open the PortaTrack Connect app on each of their Garmin watches, and enter their runner ID. After all runners have done so, the race official will start the timer after counting down, and the race or workout begins.

Coaches who train athletes and do workout training often struggle to efficiently time all their athletes, either during a time trial, workout, or other track running event. Often, coaches do require their athletes to have an athletic watch of some sort, often a Garmin watch. These Garmin watches are excellent for timing and recording individual athletes during personal training, however managing multiple athletes during a workout often is tedious and requires many individuals to keep track of each athlete, or purchasing an expensive timing system, both of which do not allow for review of data on Garmin Connect.

A survey was constructed for runners who use running watches to understand how they feel about using watches to enhance data collection of running dynamics. Often, individuals who train with those running watches will do workouts or time trials, and use the manual lap feature on their watch to record split times. Each question on the survey was followed up with a question of “Why or why not?”. The survey questions are as follows: